Loading App Configuration from API Before Application Start in Flutter Using Provider, Similar to Angular's APP_INITIALIZER
To load app configuration from an API before the application starts in Flutter, similar to Angular's APP_INITIALIZER , you can use the FutureProvider from the provider package. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this: 1. Add the provider package to your pubspec.yaml file: 2. Create a service to fetch the configuration: 3. Create a provider for the configuration: 4. Setup the FutureProvider in your main.dart : In this setup: ConfigService handles the API call to fetch the configuration. ConfigProvider uses ChangeNotifier to manage the configuration state. FutureProvider in main.dart ensures the configuration is loaded before the app starts. FutureBuilder in MyApp widget displays a loading indicator while the configuration is being fetched. This approach ensures that your app waits for the configuration to be loaded before rendering the main content, similar to the APP_INITIALIZER functionality in Angular.