Loading App Configuration from API Before Application Start in Flutter Using Provider, Similar to Angular's APP_INITIALIZER

 To load app configuration from an API before the application starts in Flutter, similar to Angular's APP_INITIALIZER, you can use the FutureProvider from the provider package. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Add the provider package to your pubspec.yaml file:

2. Create a service to fetch the configuration:

3. Create a provider for the configuration:

4. Setup the FutureProvider in your main.dart:

In this setup:

  • ConfigService handles the API call to fetch the configuration.
  • ConfigProvider uses ChangeNotifier to manage the configuration state.
  • FutureProvider in main.dart ensures the configuration is loaded before the app starts.
  • FutureBuilder in MyApp widget displays a loading indicator while the configuration is being fetched.

This approach ensures that your app waits for the configuration to be loaded before rendering the main content, similar to the APP_INITIALIZER functionality in Angular.


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